10 ideas for connecting with your kids

Sometimes we are so busy with our jobs and personal goals that we have little time to spend with our children.
No matter how common it sounds, the time we have with them is so limited, it goes by so fast, that if we don't pay attention we can miss our childhood completely. Find the time to connect with your kids, well worth the investment!
Even with one or two children, there are times when you find it difficult to spend some time with each individual day or week. Especially if you have more children. But it is very important for every child to spend a little time alone, just to have the two of you. If we work, our extended working hours kneel, we run to catch everything and we neglect the kids. If we do not work, we probably spend more time with them, but often we forget about the obligations that arise again and again, ignoring the importance of connecting with each child separately!
A few ideas to create a strong connection
Book an appointment. Yes, no matter how silly you make an appointment with your child, it is a great way to spend time with each child differently.Read something for them even every day if possible. It's a way to spend your time qualitatively and one of the best things you can do to help them in their lives. Great lessons can be learned from the book's narrative and from your explanations to their questions.Set a goal together. For example, read a book together within a month. A book that catches the child's interest and waits madly as you sit down to read a large number of pages together to accomplish the goal you set. He will have the opportunity to learn how to set and achieve a goal by taking small steps each day. Or make a jigsaw puzzle with many small pieces. Or work together, if they are a little older: running, biking, swimming, aiming to exercise half an hour each day, for example. A perfect way to spend time together and put the child in daily exercise in your life as well.Talk to them. When you get home from work, instead of sitting on TV, lying down, or doing anything else, take the big step and try sitting down with the kids and talking about what their day was like.Play with them. Don't be afraid to become a child with them too. Watch cartoons, play board games, play pillow fight, build a fort, play superman, spiderman, thundercats or any super hero you love. Play at the kids level, don't expect them to play at your own level.Challenge talks whilst in the car. Sometimes the only time the two of you can have it is when you drive them to an outdoor acrivity. Take this time to be alone in the car. A simple conversation can turn into a great conversation, and you can go deeper into a topic.“Ups and Downs of the Day”. As you are all huddled at the table and eating, one begins in turn to say which was the top of his day, and which was the bottom. One or two or even three of each is fine. And everyone is watching what the speaker has to say. It looks very fun, and a great way to connect with each other.Plan a Family Day. Sunday or Saturday are probably the perfect days for it. On the other hand, choose the day that suits you best. No work, no obligations at home, no parties or events. Plan how you can spend your day doing fun things with your kids. A day dedicated to your dearest people, and no one else.Have a Family Meeting a week. The day before Family Day, or the same morning, set up a family meeting! It's a great way to talk to kids about different things, have fun, and get them involved in the family decision making process.Every now and then, just tighten them in your arms, tender and occasionally laughing like theirs. This kind of physical contact is very important and the day will come when they will not want to live with you anymore. Take advantage of it as long as you can!