The art of baby burping!


mom with baby smilingIf we accepted the imperative of Western culture, according to which the burping of an adult is rude, then babies are not considered polite at all! And yet, it is one of the few times that an unacceptable habit of adults is considered so beneficial and necessary for an infant!


Feeding a newborn for the first time is an exciting experience for any new parent. But it is just as stressful, especially if parents do not know what to do, such as how to feed it or what to do next and especially when they do not know why and how their baby should flow!


A special skill!

Making a baby burps requires skills!

Many people think that you just put the baby on your shoulder, hit him on the back and the baby burps and everything is fine! However, burping is a technique that parents need to learn. Otherwise they will end up disappointed trying all day for such a "so-called" sound! Not to mention how uncomfortable the little, baby belly feels from the air trapped there! That's why we give you a short guide about it!


Flattening helps the baby get rid of the air he swallows as he drinks milk from the bottle or breastfeeds. If babies do not flow regularly, the air that accumulates in their abdomen will cause them to vomit or gas. To help your baby flow, tap it gently on the back. To prevent a "wet" runny nose (that is, spit a little out of his food), it's a good idea to always wear your baby's classic saliva or put a towel on your shoulder or arm, depending on the posture you apply.


3 different positions!

There are different attitudes you can adopt to make your baby burps.

To find the best result, you may need to try them all. There are basically three methods:

  • Stand upright and place the baby on your chest. His jaw should be at shoulder height, as you will support his back and head with one hand. Gently tap the baby's back with the other. You can even sit in a rocking chair as you do this, and it often helps if you rub it in a circular motion on your plate, as if you were massaging it, instead of gently tapping it.
  • Sit the baby on your feet or knees. Support his chest and head with one hand and lean forward slightly. Your palm will support his jaw and the rest of your hand will support his chest. Make sure you hold your baby's jaw, not his neck, so he doesn't choke. With your other hand, tap it gently on the back.
  • A more difficult variation of this method is, after sitting the baby, tilt it a little more and, as you hit it, make a turn from the middle and above to the right and then to the left, as if you were doing a stretching exercise. If he resists, leave this way.
  • Put the baby on your feet with his belly. Support his head and make sure it is higher than his chest. Gently tap it on the back or rub it in a circle. This posture seems to be especially helpful for babies who have colic, as they relieve the pressure on their abdomen and often make it easier to even fall asleep.


What happens if...

your baby looks nervous as you feed it?

Just stop feeding , make it burp and start feeding it again.


  • Try to flow for every 60 to 90 ml of milk you give him if you feed him a bottle and every time he changes his breast if you are breastfeeding. If your baby has gas, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or is nervous when eating, it's a good idea to make it flow for every 30 ml of milk from the bottle or every 5 minutes if breastfeeding. If it does not flow after a few minutes, change his attitude and try again. The first days with the baby are more difficult, do not despair, you will succeed!

  • For the first 6 months or more, hold your baby upright for 10 to 15 minutes (or more if he is refluxing) after feeding so that he does not suckle. Don't worry if the baby sometimes spits out his milk. It may not be pleasant for you, but it is for your baby! That's why the snail is used!



  • Sometimes the baby needs to wake up if he has gas and the only thing that will make him sleep again is the belching. As your baby gets older, belching will not be necessary, as he will have learned to eat without swallowing unnecessary air.

  • Some babies flow in a certain position. Others do not have such a problem. If you can't get it to flow in one position, try another. Sometimes just changing his attitude makes him flow. Some moms, after all the freezing places have failed, just lift the baby up in the air and that immediately flows!


See also:  The sounds of your baby!


happy baby