Normal Anorexia in children!

Doesn't want to eat, doesn't eat as much as it should or could. It doesn't eat anything! What's going on with the baby? Is this situation normal?
Almost all children go through a period of anorexia. It is normal, expected and transient. Initially it is presented as a reduction in appetite and the amount that the child eats or as an aversion to certain foods he eats only two tablespoons, drinks only half of his milk, spits out the cream, eats only milk. It usually appears at the beginning of the second year of life, sometimes later.
It causes parents to worry about their child's health and thoughts such as whether they are sick, how they will grow up after not eating anything, whether they have avitaminosis, as well as feelings of their own inadequacy such as why other children eat, how other parents do, we don't care enough.
Do's :
Try to understand that your child is eating as much as he needs.
Let it eat as early as possible, even if it throws half on the floor, and eat less.
Recognize his right to have preferences and to refuse certain foods, do you like everything?
Use your imagination to give him what he needs to eat in a way he likes. He doesn't like milk, but eats rice milk, cheese, ice cream, or pasticcio. He doesn't want an egg, but you get excited about the egg-lemon, the cake, the milk pudding. He refuses to eat grass soup, but eats salad with pleasure.
Keep the food constant.
From the beginning, teach the child to eat sitting at the table and not while playing or sleeping.
Try to eat at least one meal with your family.
Make the meal time as enjoyable as possible for you and your child.
Give less meals.
and Dont's:
Do not require your child to eat what you want, in the amount you want. Child and fruit
Do not clog it so that it eats quickly.
Don't offer him food that you know he doesn't like at all, you will start pointless quarrels.
Don't push it, let it eat as much as it wants from what is on the table.
Don't be tempted to replace milk with milk, it's not enough food anymore. Do not give him more than two or three cups of milk a day.
Don't be tempted to give out cookies, shrimp or whatever else you want between meals. The thought "since he didn't eat anything let him eat at least that" is wrong! The child does not eat well and the problem becomes permanent.
Do not use threats, punishments or fees.
Do not allow food to be left for more than half an hour.
Do not give medication. They do not solve the problem.
Do not over re-act! Be patient