Think positive!


baby with little bear

Optimism is the key to success to be happy. So think positively.
Not all people are optimistic by nature. Optimism must be 'taught' to children early on, so that they can learn to deal with the problems that arise in a positive way and not to 'bend' their head.
Wondering if your child is optimistic or pessimistic? To be able to respond you must watch his reactions carefully: whether he has a tendency toward inwardness, if he has courage, whether he observes the events surrounding him, if he is easily bored, and what image he has created for himself.
Seems to be pessimistic: If your child does not respond to any stimuli and takes a passive attitude about what is happening around them, then he or she needs an instant self-confidence injection. Highlight his 'ego' and encourage him to take more initiative. He remains a passive receiver perhaps because he does not consider himself able to cope with the difficulties. Learn to fight and not lay down arms with the slightest. Your child may be willing to deal with the difficulties, but at the last minute he or she may be frustrated. At home he is lively and dynamic while outside and in his friendly encounters shy and shy. This means that there is confidence and optimism within it but they need your urging to manifest themselves. Respect his rhythms and let him react alone when he feels ready to confront others. Pressure always puts you at risk of injury.
Seems to be optimistic: If your child only sees the positive side of things and boldly tackles every problem, then he or she belongs to the category of truly optimistic people. They are dynamic at the same time. Encourage such a child to maintain his optimism, but be careful not to use it as an alibi to avoid his responsibilities and the consequences of his actions.

How do you help the child?

The confidence you need to instill in your child and strengthen him at every opportunity plays an important role. You need to teach your child not to dramatize things, but instead to be cool in the face of difficulties. If he makes a mistake, the best way to deal with it is to make sure he does not repeat it in the future instead of sitting and grieving.

IQ Versus EQ

As impressive as it sounds, a high IQ is not enough to characterize a child smart. The role of EQ is paramount in dealing with the child's intelligence, as he is responsible for the child's emotional development or maturity as well as his ability to interact with other people.
Intelligence index (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ) are not two conflicting abilities but separate and independent of each other. It is certain that you cannot pass your child's emotional intelligence test, as to date there is no simple test that can measure EQ scores and virtually never can be. However, emotional intelligence has an identity and is recognized by the whole behavior of the child.


What are the benefits ?

Emotional intelligence helps to develop people who are more:
  • Responsible
  • Good judges
  • Popular and friendly
  • Social and willing to help
  • Able to understand others
  • Sensitive to others
  • Skillful in resolving disputes


What you should do 

  • Spend time with your child, have a dialogue with them, share ideas and values.
  • Get a Pet : Developing an emotional relationship with a pet helps develop perception and acumen, but most importantly it helps develop feelings and responsibility. Children who care for an animal develop sensitivity and self-awareness.
  • Take care of your child's diet: It is a very important chapter in developing a mood. It is advisable for your child's daily diet to include dairy products, cereals and magnesium-rich foods.


Golden rule!

To raise an optimistic child you must not blame it. He always runs the risk of making himself responsible for everything. So help her deal with the events with a clear look and thought. So he will look for the real responsibility that he has and at the same time he will seek to find out where others were wrong.
happy baby